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About Us

We introduced ourselves as leading contractors in chennai harbor premises in the field of fire proof insulations for exhaust pipe lines, boilers, tanks, decks and bulkhead etc. For various types of ship like bulk carrier, oil tankers, dredgers Navy coast guard vessels and newly building tug etc.

We A.K.MARINE ENGINEERS is professionally managed by experienced Techno gates who is having two decades of experience in different field like insulations work, duct fabrication, flooring, tiling, paneling,carpentry work, F.R.P works, etc,.

We are regularly doing the entire above said work for chennai Port Trust, refermech Tebma Shipyards, TOLANI SHIPPING and our workshops for last 15 years

Our work have been certified normally by ships superintend chief engineers, captain of concern ships and external authorities like IRS, LRS, and MMD surveyors.

We provide qualified and skilled persons to carry out jobs along with the ship to ensure timely completion with any delay for cargo movements.

Copy Right © 2006. AK Marine, Chennai.